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Donita Sparks habla sobre la reunión de L7
Donita Sparks on the L7 reunion
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La vocalista de L7 Donita Sparks se reunió con Dunne el jueves noche del concierto para hablar sobre la posibilidad de volver con sus antiguos socios:
L7 frontwoman Donita Sparks joined Dunne on Thursday night’s show to discuss the prospect of getting back together with her former partners in crime.
«I feel okay, some of us haven’t seen each other in many years, it’s weird but it’s cool,» she explained.
So far the group have planned dates in France and Spain in June of this year, with a possible LA gig also lined up.
Accompanying the reunion will be a documentary about the band, ‘L7: Pretend We’re Dead’, comprised of old interviews, archive footage and of course, lots of their raucous live performances.
They are currently attempting to fund the making of the film through Kickstarter. So far the campaign has raised $57,000 of the $97,000 goal.
Recomendación literaria: «Justicia» de Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Y aquí os traigo una recomendación literaria que creo que os gustará a bastantes. Intentaré subir este tipo de vídeos bastante a menudo, ya que son bastante cortos y pueden serviros de mucho. Espero que al menos alguno de vosotros intente darle una oportunidad al libro, porque de verdad creo que la merece.