Me meto un tiro,
El eco suena,
O quizás es el corazón,
Que todavía sueña.

Butch Vig habla sobre el nuevo disco de Foo Fighters

Butch Vig habla sobre el nuevo disco de Foo Fighters

Butch Vig about Foo Figthers’ new album

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Butch Vig habló con la gente de la 93XRT de su relación con Dave Grohl, frontman de Foo Fighters, y del esperado ‘combo’ serie + nuevo disco de su banda.

Quiero a Dave como un hermano loco. No conozco a nadie que tenga un entusiasmo por la vida y la música… (Los Foos) son capaces de hacer lo que quieran y decidimos hacer el disco en ocho ciudades diferentes. La banda compuso ocho canciones y las grabamos todas en ocho locales diferentes de EEUU.

Parte del documental es sobre la grabación de la canción y mucho (de él) es sobre la historia musical de esa ciudad… Y también trata de lo que significa para los Foos y Dave. Se meten musicalmente en cada ciudad, lo que significa personalmente para ellos. Cada ciudad tuvo su propia experiencia. Una de las cosas guays del álbum es que cada canción tiene hasta cierto punto el sonido de la ciudad y sin duda el ambiente en el que se grabó. Cada canción es completamente única y distinta.

El álbum llegará a las tiendas el 10 de noviembre y la serie se estrenará el 17 de octubre.


In a recent phone interview, renowned producer and musician Butch Vig shared with Marty Lennartz some much awaited details about Foo Fighters‘ eighth studio album, Sonic Highways, due to release November 10th. Vig worked with the Foo’s on their 2011 album, Wasting Light, and was elated to work with Grohl and Co. once more.

“I love Dave like a crazy brother. I don’t know anyone who has such infectious enthusiasm for life and for music…[The Foo’s] are capable of doing what they want to do, and we decided to make this record in eight different cities. The band wrote eight songs and we recorded them all in eight different locales in the U.S.”

Remember when everyone kept having Dave Grohl sighting on the CTA last December?  Well, Chicago was the first stop on the Foo Fighter’s ‘recording tour’ where Vig recalls it being ‘gnarly cold’. They laid down the first track on the album at Steve Albini’s studio Electrical Audio which Vig noted as having an impressive microphone collection and being ‘not posh or super fancy, but really well appointed.’

Other stops on the recording tour did not have such ample accommodations. In New Orleans the army of musicians, crew, engineers, and producers recorded in the notorious Preservation Hall which while being stunning in it’s own right, proved to be more difficult than Chicago.

“[Preservation] is just a small performance room, so we had to roll cable down a side walk, through an alleyway, and borrow the manager of the building’s office to set up some makeshift speakers and a little board to monitor from…so each city truly had it’s own experience.”

To make the Sonic Highway experience even more abundant, in October the Foo Fighters will release a ‘fun and inspiring’ documentary on HBO, in which each song on Sonic Highway and it’s multi-city recording sessions will be an hour long special each.

As Vig recounts, “Part of the documentary is about the recording of the song and a lot of it is about he musical history of that city…And it’s also about what it means to the Foo’s and to Dave. He taps into what each city musically, personally means him.

Each city truly had it’s own experience. One of the cool things about the album is…each song has that city’s sound to a certain extent and definitely the environment we recorded in. Each song is it’s own unique beast.”

The beast of an album that is Sonic Highways is due out November 10, 2014. Documentary series Sonic Highways premieres on HBO October 17th, at 11pm.

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