Neil Young Unveils His New Pono Music Player

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Neil Young lleva tiempo trabajando en su propio formato de música digital que vendrá acompañado de su correspondiente reproductor. Coincidiendo con el South By SouthWest, la empresa encargada de su desarrollo, PonoMusic, presentará en sociedad “la música digital de mayor calidad para consumidores apasionados que deseen experimentar la música del modo en que preveían los artistas, manteniendo intacta la emoción, el detalle y la fuerza.”
Eso se resume en un nuevo formato musical ‘lossless’ (es decir, sin pérdida de calidad) y su propio reproductor portátil con 128 gigas que permitirá almacenar “de 100 a 500 álbumes, dependiendo de la resolución y longitud de la grabación original.” Para los que crean que los gigas se les pueden quedar pequeños, el reproductor admite tarjetas de memoria.
El precio: 399 dólares. A partir del 12 de marzo se podrá reservar vía Kickstarter a precio reducido.
The digital-to-analog conversion technology is, apparently, intended to «present songs as they first sound during studio recording sessions» according to Rolling Stone. Quite how that works is anybody’s guess at the moment—as is whether it actually works particularly well.
The player that Young showed off on TV is… well, unique, to say the least. A big, bright yellow triangular prism, it looks a bit like a tube of candy. Controls look pretty minimal, the screen fairly small and there seem to be two headphone sockets, too, by the looks of things. All in, it looks kinda wacky, and a far cry from the sleek lines of the modern gadgets we’re used to.
According to Rolling Stone, one of the few people to hear what a difference Young’s technology makes is Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea. He explained that «it’s not like some vague thing that you need dogs’ ears to hear. It’s a drastic difference.» For now, we’ll reserve judgement.