Me meto un tiro,
El eco suena,
O quizás es el corazón,
Que todavía sueña.

Categoría: Noticias

«Mudhoney: Live at Third Man Records» disponible para pre-order

«Mudhoney: Live at Third Man Records» disponible para pre-order

Mudhoney: Live at Third Man Records LP is available for pre-order

Details // Detalles

Grabado directamente el 26 de septiembre, 2013 en Third Man Records en el Blue Room // Recorded Direct-To-Acetate on September 26th, 2013 at Third Man Records in the Blue Room

Side One // Lado 1
1. Slipping Away
2. Here Comes Sickness
3. When Tomorrow Hits
4. In ‘N’ Out of Grace

Side Two // Lado 2
1. I’m Now
2. The Final Course
3. What To Do With The Neutral
4. Ghost
5. Chardonnay
6. The Only Son Of The Widow from Nain

Si queréis saber más // if You want to know more –>

Courtney Love demandada por su psiquiatra

Courtney Love demandada por su psiquiatra

Courtney Love Sued by Psychiatrist for ‘Breach of Contract’

 Courtney Love


Un mes sin demanda parecía ser demasiado tiempo para Courtney Love. Es por ello que la demanda que ha presentado contra ella un psiquiatra por “incumplimiento de contrato” no nos sorprende.

Según cuenta Courthouse News Service (vía Rolling Stone), el doctor Edward Ratush le reclama a la frontwoman de Hole 48.250 dólares en deudas desde 2010. Si bien no se especifican los hechos si se aclara que la “naturaleza de esta demanda es incumplimiento de contrato, saldo acordado, deuda dineraria y enriquecimiento injusto.

De acuerdo a su web, el psiquiatra se “especializa en ayudar a gente que sufre de trastornos del estado de ánimo tales como depresión y obsesiones, desórdenes de ansiedad tales como ataques de pánico, desórdenes obsesivo-compulsivos y Síndrome de Estrés Postraumático, desórdenes de excitación tales como insomnio, fatiga, desórdenes horarios y déficit de atención e hiperactividad adulta” proporcionando “tratamiento comprensivo, privado, innovador y personalizado para la salud mental y desórdenes en el uso de sustancias.

Hace unas semanas Love fue declarada inocente del delito de difamación contra una antigua abogada tras publicar una serie de comentarios en Twitter.


A New York psychiatrist and addiction specialist is suing Courtney Love for nearly $50,000 for «breach of contract,» according to Courthouse News Service (via Spin).

Where Does Hole’s ‘Live Through This’ Rank Among the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time?

Dr. Edward Ratush claims the former Hole frontwoman owes him $48,250 in back payment since 2010. The suit does not specify the reason for the claim, but notes that the «nature of this action is Breach of Contract, Account Stated, Money Due and Owing, and Unjust Enrichment.»

According to his website, Dr. Ratush «specializes in helping people who suffer from Mood Disorders such as depression and mania, Anxiety Disorders such as panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder and PTSD, Arousal Disorders such as insomnia, fatigue, shift work disorder and Adult ADHD» and provides «comprehensive, private, innovative and personalized treatment for mental health and substance use disorders.»

Calls to Dr. Ratush and his attorney were not immediately returned.

Love is no stranger to courtrooms. Last month, the singer was cleared of libel charges filed by her former lawyer. Love’s former attorney, Rhonda Holmes, brought the lawsuit in 2011, claiming that Love had committed libel in a 2010 Twitter post implying that Holmes had taken a bribe. During the trial, Love testified that she had intended that tweet as a private direct message in response to a question, and that when she realized she had accidentally tweeted the comment publicly, she immediately deleted it.

The jury unanimously found that Love had indeed published the tweet in question, and that it contained false information, which 11 of the jurors concluded would have been damaging to its target’s reputation. However, they also ruled 9-3 that Holmes’ lawyers had failed to prove that Love knew at the time that the statement was false, and so could not be held liable for defamation.

Los estudios London Bridge quieren restaurar su consola Neve

Los estudios London Bridge quieren restaurar su consola Neve

Help restore the Legendary Neve console at London Bridge Studio

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Ayuda a restaurar la legendaria consola de sonidos Neve de los estudios London Bridge, donde grabaron grupos como Pearl Jam, Mother Love Bone,Temple of the Dog, Alice In Chains y muchos más.

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Help restore the Legendary Neve console at London Bridge Studio, used on Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Mother Love Bone,Temple of the Dog, Alice In Chains & more!

For more information:

Soundgarden reeditarán “Superunknown” por su vigésimo aniversario

Soundgarden reeditarán “Superunknown” por su vigésimo aniversario

Soundgarden announced the Superunknown 20th Anniversary Deluxe & Super Deluxe Editions

Sacado de // From –>www.soundgardenworld.com (traducción)

La versión inédita de “The Day I Tried To Live” ha sido el primer anticipo de la reedición del “Superunknown” de que este año cumple su vigésimo aniversario motivo por el que la banda de Seattle ha querido rendirle un merecido homenaje.

El 3 de junio vía A&M Records/UME se pondrá a la venta en distintos formatos:

– edición ‘deluxe’ de 2CDs (siendo el primer CD el álbum original remasterizado mientras que el segundo consistirá en una recopilación de demos, temas de ensayo, caras B y otras rarezas.

El tracklist:

CD 1

  1. Let Me Drown
  2. My Wave
  3. Fell on Black Days
  4. Mailman
  5. Superunknown
  6. Head Down
  7. Black Hole Sun
  8. Spoonman
  9. Limo Wreck
  10. The Day I Tried to Live
  11. Kickstand
  12. Fresh Tendrils
  13. 4th of July
  14. Half
  15. Like Suicide
  16. She Likes Surprises

CD 2 (rarezas y caras B)

  1. Let Me Drown (Demo)^
  2. Black Hole Sun (Demo)^
  3. Half (Demo)^
  4. Head Down (Rehearsal)^
  5. Limo Wreck (Rehearsal)^
  6. The Day I Tried to Live (Rehearsal)^
  7. Like Suicide (Acoustic)
  8. Black Days III*
  9. Birth Ritual (Original Demo Version)
  10. Exit Stonehenge
  11. Kyle Petty, Son of Richard
  12. Jerry Garcia’s Finger
  13. Spoonman (Alternate Steve Fisk Remix)^
  14. The Day I Tried To Live (Scott Litt Mix)^
  15. 4th of July (Instrumental)^
  16. Superunknown (Instrumental)^

– edición ‘super deluxe’ de 5 CDs (un CD para el álbum remasterizado, otros cuatro de demos, rarezas y demás y un último disco que será un Blu-ray del álbum en sonido 5.1 Surround). Esta edición se presentará en un libro de tapa dura con una portada lenticular, notas de David Fricke, un ‘artwork’ rediseñado por el gran Josh Graham y fotografías inéditas de Kevin Westerberg.

CD 1

  1. Let Me Drown
  2. My Wave
  3. Fell on Black Days
  4. Mailman
  5. Superunknown
  6. Head Down
  7. Black Hole Sun
  8. Spoonman
  9. Limo Wreck
  10. The Day I Tried to Live
  11. Kickstand
  12. Fresh Tendrils
  13. 4th of July
  14. Half
  15. Like Suicide
  16. She Likes Surprises

CD 2 (caras B y más)

  1. The Day I Tried To Live (Alternate Mix)^
  2. Spoonman (Alternate Steve Fisk Remix)^
  3. Beyond The Wheel (Live)
  4. Fell On Black Days (Live)
  5. Birth Ritual (Original Demo Version)
  6. Jesus Christ Pose (Live)
  7. Like Suicide (Acoustic Version)
  8. Kickstand (Live)
  9. My Wave (Live)
  10. Spoonman (Steve Fisk Remix)
  11. Exit Stonehenge
  12. Kyle Petty, Son of Richard
  13. Black Days III*
  14. Ghostmotorfinger**
  15. Jerry Garcia’s Finger
  16. Fell On Black Days (Video Version)

CD 3 – THE DEMOS (no editado anteriormente)

  1. Let Me Drown (Demo)
  2. Fell On Black Days (Demo)
  3. Superunknown (Demo)
  4. Black Hole Sun (Demo)
  5. Spoonman (Demo)
  6. Fresh Tendrils (Demo)
  7. 4th of July (Demo)
  8. Half (Demo)
  9. Like Suicide (Demo)

CD 4 – THE REHEARSALS (no editado anteriormente)

  1. Black Hole Sun (Rehearsal)
  2. Bing Bing Goes To Church (Rehearsal)
  3. Half (Rehearsal)
  4. Head Down (Rehearsal)
  5. Kyle Petty, Son Of Richard (Rehearsal)
  6. Let Me Drown (Rehearsal)
  7. Limo Wreck (Rehearsal)
  8. My Wave (Rehearsal)
  9. Fresh Tendrils (Rehearsal)
  10. Like Suicide (Rehearsal)
  11. Ruff Riff-Raff (Rehearsal)
  12. Exit Stonehenge (Rehearsal)
  13. Spoonman (Rehearsal)
  14. The Date I Tried To Leave (Rehearsal)
  15. The Day I Tried To Live (Rehearsal)


  1. Let Me Drown (5.1 Mix)
  2. My Wave (5.1 Mix)
  3. Fell On Black Days (5.1 Mix)
  4. Mailman (5.1 Mix)
  5. Superunknown (5.1 Mix)
  6. Head Down (5.1 Mix)
  7. Black Hole Sun (5.1 Mix)
  8. Spoonman (5.1 Mix)
  9. Limo Wreck (5.1 Mix)
  10. The Day I Tried To Live (5.1 Mix)
  11. Kickstand (5.1 Mix)
  12. Fresh Tendrils (5.1 Mix)
  13. 4th Of July (5.1 Mix)
  14. Half (5.1 Mix)
  15. Like Suicide (5.1 Mix)
  16. She Likes Surprises (Int’l Vers & Us 12″) (5.1 Mix)

También aparecerá una versión en 2 LPs en vinilo de 200 gramos con los 16 temas remasterizados y para el día de las tiendas de discos (19 de abril) se publicarán los singles de “Superunknown” (con sus consiguientes caras B) en un set de 5 vinilos de 10″ con artwork rediseñado por Josh Graham.

SUPERUNKNOWN: THE SINGLES – set de cinco vinilos de 10″

  1. Spoonman
  2. Fresh Tendrils
  3. Cold Bitch
  4. Exit Stonehenge


  1. The Day I Tried To Live
  2. Like Suicide (Acoustic Version)
  3. Kickstand (Live)
  4. Limo Wreck


  1. Black Hole Sun
  2. Jesus Christ Pose (Live)
  3. Beyond The Wheel (Live)
  4. Fell On Black Days (Live)


  1. My Wave
  2. Spoonman (Steve Fisk Remix)
  3. Birth Ritual (Original Demo Version)
  4. My Wave (Live)


  1. Fell On Black Days
  2. Kyle Petty, Son of Richard
  3. Ghostmotorfinger**
  4. Fell On Black Days (Video Version)
  5. Girl U Want
  6. Black Days III*

^ No editado anteriormente
* Título original “Fell On Black Days (Demo – Early Version)”
** Título original “Motorcycle Loop (Short Version)”


This year, the band celebrates the 20th anniversary of this groundbreaking album with a special reissue in two deluxe versions outlined below and available on June 3, 2014 via A&M Records/UME. The Deluxe Edition is a 2-CD package featuring the remastered album along with disc two consisting of demos, rehearsals, B-sides and more. The Super Deluxe Edition is a 5-CD package featuring the remastered album, additional demos, rehearsals and B-sides and the fifth disc is the album mixed in Blu-ray ™ Audio 5.1 Surround Sound. The Super Deluxe Edition is incredibly packaged in a hardbound book with a lenticular cover, liner notes by David Fricke and newly reimagined album artwork designed by Josh Graham. It also features never before seen band photography by Kevin Westerberg. A 2-LP gatefold of the original 16 vinyl tracks remastered on 200-gram vinyl in a gatefold jacket will also be made available. In addition, the Superunknown singles and associated b-sides with newly interpreted artwork sleeves by Josh Graham will be reissued on Record Store Day, April 19th, as a set of five limited edition 10″ vinyl records.

1. Let Me Drown
2. My Wave
3. Fell on Black Days
4. Mailman
5. Superunknown
6. Head Down
7. Black Hole Sun
8. Spoonman
9. Limo Wreck
10. The Day I Tried to Live
11. Kickstand
12. Fresh Tendrils
13. 4th of July
14. Half
15. Like Suicide
16. She Likes Surprises

CD TWO – Demos, Rehearsals, B-Sides & More
1. Let Me Drown (Demo)^
2. Black Hole Sun (Demo)^
3. Half (Demo)^
4. Head Down (Rehearsal)^
5. Limo Wreck (Rehearsal)^
6. The Day I Tried to Live (Rehearsal)^
7. Like Suicide (Acoustic)
8. Black Days III*
9. Birth Ritual (Original Demo Version)
10. Exit Stonehenge
11. Kyle Petty, Son of Richard
12. Jerry Garcia’s Finger
13. Spoonman (Alternate Steve Fisk Remix)^
14. The Day I Tried To Live (Scott Litt Mix)^
15. 4th of July (Instrumental)^
16. Superunknown (Instrumental)^

1. Let Me Drown
2. My Wave
3. Fell on Black Days
4. Mailman
5. Superunknown
6. Head Down
7. Black Hole Sun
8. Spoonman
9. Limo Wreck
10. The Day I Tried to Live
11. Kickstand
12. Fresh Tendrils
13. 4th of July
14. Half
15. Like Suicide
16. She Likes Surprises

1. The Day I Tried To Live (Alternate Mix)^
2. Spoonman (Alternate Steve Fisk Remix)^
3. Beyond The Wheel (Live)
4. Fell On Black Days (Live)
5. Birth Ritual (Original Demo Version)
6. Jesus Christ Pose (Live)
7. Like Suicide (Acoustic Version)
8. Kickstand (Live)
9. My Wave (Live)
10. Spoonman (Steve Fisk Remix)
11. Exit Stonehenge
12. Kyle Petty, Son of Richard
13. Black Days III*
14. Ghostmotorfinger**
15. Jerry Garcia’s Finger
16. Fell On Black Days (Video Version)

CD THREE – THE DEMOS (unreleased)
1. Let Me Drown (Demo)
2. Fell On Black Days (Demo)
3. Superunknown (Demo)
4. Black Hole Sun (Demo)
5. Spoonman (Demo)
6. Fresh Tendrils (Demo)
7. 4th of July (Demo)
8. Half (Demo)
9. Like Suicide (Demo)

1. Black Hole Sun (Rehearsal)
2. Bing Bing Goes To Church (Rehearsal)
3. Half (Rehearsal)
4. Head Down (Rehearsal)
5. Kyle Petty, Son Of Richard (Rehearsal)
6. Let Me Drown (Rehearsal)
7. Limo Wreck (Rehearsal)
8. My Wave (Rehearsal)
9. Fresh Tendrils (Rehearsal)
10. Like Suicide (Rehearsal)
11. Ruff Riff-Raff (Rehearsal)
12. Exit Stonehenge (Rehearsal)
13. Spoonman (Rehearsal)
14. The Date I Tried To Leave (Rehearsal)
15. The Day I Tried To Live (Rehearsal)

1. Let Me Drown (5.1 Mix)
2. My Wave (5.1 Mix)
3. Fell On Black Days (5.1 Mix)
4. Mailman (5.1 Mix)
5. Superunknown (5.1 Mix)
6. Head Down (5.1 Mix)
7. Black Hole Sun (5.1 Mix)
8. Spoonman (5.1 Mix)
9. Limo Wreck (5.1 Mix)
10. The Day I Tried To Live (5.1 Mix)
11. Kickstand (5.1 Mix)
12. Fresh Tendrils (5.1 Mix)
13. 4th Of July (5.1 Mix)
14. Half (5.1 Mix)
15. Like Suicide (5.1 Mix)
16. She Likes Surprises (Int’l Vers & Us 12″) (5.1 Mix)

Fresh Tendrils
Cold Bitch
Exit Stonehenge

Like Suicide (Acoustic Version)
Kickstand (Live)
Limo Wreck

Jesus Christ Pose (Live)
Beyond The Wheel (Live)
Fell On Black Days (Live)

Spoonman (Steve Fisk Remix)
Birth Ritual (Original Demo Version)
My Wave (Live)

Kyle Petty, Son of Richard
Fell On Black Days (Video Version)
Girl U Want
Black Days III*

* Originally titled “Fell On Black Days (Demo – Early Version)”
**Originally titled “Motorcycle Loop (Short Version)”
^ Previously Unreleased

Robert DeLeo está grabando material en solitario

Robert DeLeo está grabando material en solitario

Robert DeLeo recording solo material

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Grabando tranquilamente aquí en casa (ni idea de qué significa en este contexto HOMeFRY, sé que en muchas ocasiones es como «mejor amigo», pero aquí no me encajaba) … finalmente puedo volver con las canciones que empecé allá en 2001… ¡es genial!


Recording at here at HOMeFRY today.. Finally getting around to songs I started back in ’01…feels great!!!