Me meto un tiro,
El eco suena,
O quizás es el corazón,
Que todavía sueña.

Courtney Love demandada por su psiquiatra

Courtney Love demandada por su psiquiatra

Courtney Love Sued by Psychiatrist for ‘Breach of Contract’

 Courtney Love


Un mes sin demanda parecía ser demasiado tiempo para Courtney Love. Es por ello que la demanda que ha presentado contra ella un psiquiatra por “incumplimiento de contrato” no nos sorprende.

Según cuenta Courthouse News Service (vía Rolling Stone), el doctor Edward Ratush le reclama a la frontwoman de Hole 48.250 dólares en deudas desde 2010. Si bien no se especifican los hechos si se aclara que la “naturaleza de esta demanda es incumplimiento de contrato, saldo acordado, deuda dineraria y enriquecimiento injusto.

De acuerdo a su web, el psiquiatra se “especializa en ayudar a gente que sufre de trastornos del estado de ánimo tales como depresión y obsesiones, desórdenes de ansiedad tales como ataques de pánico, desórdenes obsesivo-compulsivos y Síndrome de Estrés Postraumático, desórdenes de excitación tales como insomnio, fatiga, desórdenes horarios y déficit de atención e hiperactividad adulta” proporcionando “tratamiento comprensivo, privado, innovador y personalizado para la salud mental y desórdenes en el uso de sustancias.

Hace unas semanas Love fue declarada inocente del delito de difamación contra una antigua abogada tras publicar una serie de comentarios en Twitter.


A New York psychiatrist and addiction specialist is suing Courtney Love for nearly $50,000 for «breach of contract,» according to Courthouse News Service (via Spin).

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Dr. Edward Ratush claims the former Hole frontwoman owes him $48,250 in back payment since 2010. The suit does not specify the reason for the claim, but notes that the «nature of this action is Breach of Contract, Account Stated, Money Due and Owing, and Unjust Enrichment.»

According to his website, Dr. Ratush «specializes in helping people who suffer from Mood Disorders such as depression and mania, Anxiety Disorders such as panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder and PTSD, Arousal Disorders such as insomnia, fatigue, shift work disorder and Adult ADHD» and provides «comprehensive, private, innovative and personalized treatment for mental health and substance use disorders.»

Calls to Dr. Ratush and his attorney were not immediately returned.

Love is no stranger to courtrooms. Last month, the singer was cleared of libel charges filed by her former lawyer. Love’s former attorney, Rhonda Holmes, brought the lawsuit in 2011, claiming that Love had committed libel in a 2010 Twitter post implying that Holmes had taken a bribe. During the trial, Love testified that she had intended that tweet as a private direct message in response to a question, and that when she realized she had accidentally tweeted the comment publicly, she immediately deleted it.

The jury unanimously found that Love had indeed published the tweet in question, and that it contained false information, which 11 of the jurors concluded would have been damaging to its target’s reputation. However, they also ruled 9-3 that Holmes’ lawyers had failed to prove that Love knew at the time that the statement was false, and so could not be held liable for defamation.

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