Me meto un tiro,
El eco suena,
O quizás es el corazón,
Que todavía sueña.

Cover hecha por los Melvins de «You’re My Best Friend» (Queen)

Cover hecha por los Melvins de «You’re My Best Friend» (Queen)

Here’s The Melvins Covering Queen’s «You’re My Best Friend»

Esta canción formará parte de su próximo disco, «Everybody loves Sausages» el cual será un disco de versiones. En la canción cuentan con la colaboración de Caleb Benjamin de Tweak Bird.

Si queréis escuchar la canción, haced click aquí


The Melvins are releasing what they call an «unconventional covers album,» adapting songs from artists like Queen and David Bowie as their own. Here’s one of their first offerings from that album, called Everybody Loves Sausages, a cover of Queen’s «You’re My Best Friend,» with guest vocals from Caleb Benjamin of Tweak Bird. The Melvins–along with Melvins Lite, which pairs frontman Buzz Osborne and drummer Dale Crover with musician Trevor Dunn—are touring soon (lotta shows in Germany, definitely playing up the sausage-loving angle), and you can listen to the cover below.

 Click here if you want to listen the song

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