Me meto un tiro,
El eco suena,
O quizás es el corazón,
Que todavía sueña.

Dave Grohl recuerda la primera vez que oyó el “Superunknown”

Dave Grohl recuerda la primera vez que oyó el “Superunknown”

Dave Grohl Recalls First-Ever Listen to ‘Superunknown’

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Este año se cumple el vigésimo aniversario del “Superunknown” de , algo que la banda celebrará con la reedición del disco con múltiples extras. La banda de Seattle sigue celebrando el acontecimiento y ahora lo hace con un vídeo en el que Dave Grohl, frontman de y ex-batería de , habla de su admiración por sus compañeros de generación y escena.

El músico recuerda como el productor Adam Kasper le dejó oír algo del disco antes de que apareciera en una de las últimas sesiones de grabación de .

Me puso “Black Hole Sun” y recuerdo que pensé, “Hostia puta, esto va a ser grandioso”. Porque para mi era la mezcla perfecta de Beatles y Black Sabbath, cosa que creo que pusimos en nuestra bio de Nirvana… Pero no creo que eso encajara con éxito hasta ese disco y en esa canción en particular.

De acuerdo a Grohl esa canción era “mucho más melódicamente sofisticada” que nada de lo que las bandas de la escena estaba haciendo.

De “Superunknown” asegura:

Ese disco subió el listón para todos… Nadie tenía una voz como Chris (Cornell), nadie tocaba la batería como Matt (Cameron). Eran una banda increíble. Veinte años después, ese es uno de esos discos que sinceramente siento que tu hijo o hijos descubrirán y dirán, “Guau, papa, ¿conocías a esa banda llamada Soundgarden?” Dentro de 25 años.


«At its best, Superunknown offers a more harrowing depiction of alienation and despair than anything on In Utero.» That was part of Rolling Stone‘s take on Soundgarden’s fourth album when it arrived in 1994. And now that the LP is turning 20 — and the band is celebrating with an anniversary reissue and played the record in its entirety at the iTunes fest at SXSW — the Seattle vets’ famous pals are speaking up about the record, too.

Here’s an incredible clip of Dave Grohl waxing philosophical on the impact his fellow grunge gods had on his life when Superunknown was released. Grohl, who directed Soundgarden’s «By Crooked Steps» video from 2012’s King Animal, recalls hearing Superunknown early, when producer/engineer Adam Casper brought the disc to Nirvana’s final recording session before it was released and offered the band a listen.

«He played ‘Black Hole Sun’ and I remember thinking, ‘Holy shit, this is gonna be huge,» Grohl recalls. «Because to me it was that perfect meeting of the Beatles and Black Sabbath, which is what I think we put in our Nirvana bio. But I don’t think that had ever successfully been paired until that record, and in particular that song. It was so much more melodically sophisticated than anything any of the other bands in Seattle were doing. It was a big deal.»

Grohl recalls discovering Soundgarden and being psyched a band that made rock music — not punk — was thriving in an underground scene. «To me they had that punk-rock, underground, do-it-yourself ethic, but they were playing really interesting rock music.»

Ultimately, Grohl remembers Soundgarden as groundbreakers. «Soundgarden were the first band to get out, the first band to sort of break, the first band to do the major-label thing in the underground scene,» he says. «It only made sense they were the first band to write a song like ‘Black Hole Sun.’ And that record really just raised the bar for everyone. Nobody had a voice like Chris. Nobody played drums like Matt. They were an incredible band. Twenty years later, that’s one of those records I honestly feel like your kid or your kids’ kids will discover and say, ‘Wow, dad, did you know about that band Soundgarden?’ 25 years from now.»

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