Me meto un tiro,
El eco suena,
O quizás es el corazón,
Que todavía sueña.

Steve Moriarty (The Gits) ha llamado a un boicot hacia la cadena NBC en relación con un programa sobre la brutal violación y asesinato de Mia Zapata

Steve Moriarty (The Gits) ha llamado a un boicot hacia la cadena NBC en relación con un programa sobre la brutal violación y asesinato de Mia Zapata

Gits drummer Steve Moriarty has called for a boycott of NBC related to an upcoming show concerning the brutal rape and murder of Mia Zapata

On Facebook, former Gits drummer Steve Moriarty has called for a boycott of NBC related to an upcoming show concerning the brutal rape and murder of Gits singer Mia Zapata:  NBC’s True Crime in the Dark* (or something equally as tasteless) series, recently filmed a reenactment of the murder of our friend Mia Zapata. They used actors and canned music. I tried to have civil and logical conversations with the producers of the show, however, NBC did not think that using The Gits music or film footage of Mia playing live was worth paying customary and fair licensing fees as established by ASCAP, BMI and the recording Industry. There is nothing artistic, musical or positive about the re-telling of Mia’s brutal death. Nothing except a cheap way for NBC to sell ads for a younger, hipper demographic which the network desperately needs. The piece will air in June and does not have the endorsement of any of the band, Mia’s family or immediate friends. It is simply, Gitsploitation and I suggest local business refrain from advertising products and services on NBC during the month of the one hour episode of “murder in the dark”. (Or whatever the title) featuring The murder of Mia and the city of Seattle.  *The series actually is called Dead of Night. More info here.(Photo of Mia Zapata via the official Gits site)

En Facebook,  el ex baterista de The Gits Steve Moriarty ha llamado a un boicot contra la cadena NBC en relación con un programa en relación con la brutal violación y asesinato de Mia Zapata :

    True Crime in the Dark de la NBC * (o algo igual de mal gusto ) recientemente filmó una recreación de la muerte de nuestra amiga Mia Zapata. Utilizaron actores y música enlatada . Traté de tener conversaciones normales y lógicas con los productores de la serie , sin embargo , la NBC no creía que el uso de la música de The Gits o filmaciones de Mia tocando en directo mereciesen la pena de ser pagadas por los derechos de licencia habituales y justas según lo establecido por la ASCAP , BMI y la Industria de la música .
    No hay nada artístico , musical o positivo sobre la re-narración de la brutal muerte de Mia . Nada excepto una manera barata para NBC de llamar la atención a un grupo más joven , más a la moda que necesita desesperadamente la red.

    El capítulo en cuestión saldrá al aire en junio y no tiene el respaldo de ninguno de los componentes de la banda, la familia de Mia o amigos inmediatos. Es simplemente , «Gitsploitation» y sugiero que los negocios locales de productos y servicios de publicidad dejen de hacérsela a la NBC durante el mes del episodio de una hora en el que se reproduce la muerte de Mia en Seattle.

* La serie en realidad se llama Dead of Night . Más información aquí.


On Facebook, former Gits drummer Steve Moriarty has called for a boycott of NBC related to an upcoming show concerning the brutal rape and murder of Gits singer Mia Zapata:

NBC’s True Crime in the Dark* (or something equally as tasteless) series, recently filmed a reenactment of the murder of our friend Mia Zapata. They used actors and canned music. I tried to have civil and logical conversations with the producers of the show, however, NBC did not think that using The Gits music or film footage of Mia playing live was worth paying customary and fair licensing fees as established by ASCAP, BMI and the recording Industry.

There is nothing artistic, musical or positive about the re-telling of Mia’s brutal death. Nothing except a cheap way for NBC to sell ads for a younger, hipper demographic which the network desperately needs.

The piece will air in June and does not have the endorsement of any of the band, Mia’s family or immediate friends. It is simply, Gitsploitation and I suggest local business refrain from advertising products and services on NBC during the month of the one hour episode of “murder in the dark”. (Or whatever the title) featuring The murder of Mia and the city of Seattle.

*The series actually is called Dead of Night. More info here.

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