Nueva canción de Alice In Chains ’Phantom Limb’
New Song Of Alice In Chains ’Phantom Limb’
New Song Of Alice In Chains ’Phantom Limb’
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La portada de “The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here”, nuevo disco de Alice In Chains, guarda un secreto detrás de lo que pudiera parecer una simple calavera de dinosaurio. Según leemos en Theprp, un fan llamado TheSorceressKnight se ha encargado -echando mano del Photoshop- desvelarnos que la portada tiene sorpresa: también aparece la imagen del diablo.
The cover of «The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here», THE new album from Alice In Chains, has a secret behind what might seem like a simple dinosaur skull. As we read in Theprp, a fan named TheSorceressKnight has undertaken-making use Photoshop, reveal us that the cover has surprise: we can see the image of the devil.
Song Of The Day
Recordad que el nuevo album, “The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here”, está planeado para ser lanzado el 14 de mayo. Aquí os dejo de nuevo el nombre de las canciones que aparecerán en el disco:
Low Ceiling
The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here
Lab Monkey
Hung On A Hook
Pretty Done
Breath On A Window
Phantom Limb
Alice in Chains recently revealed the album cover for their upcoming album The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here (The official release –> May 14, 2013) . Here all the name songs of the album:
Low Ceiling
The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here
Lab Monkey
Hung On A Hook
Pretty Done
Breath On A Window
Phantom Limb
Alice In Chains lanzarán el single «Stone», perteneciente a su próximo disco, The Devil Put Dinosaurs , digitalmente el 26 de marzo de la próxima semana. La canción dura 4,22 minutos.
Alice In Chains will release their new single from The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here “Stone” digitally on March 26th. The track’s length is 4:22.