Mudhoney en Brooklyn
Mudhoney in Brooklyn
12/07/2015 — 07/12/2015
12/07/2015 — 07/12/2015
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Dave Grohl se va recuperando de su desgraciada caída sufrida el pasado mes en un festival en Suecia y hace unos días ya se le retiró la escayola, según cuenta el propio frontman de Foo Fighters a la Rolling Stone.
Estoy empezando a hacer ejercicios de rehabilitación y la escayola está fuera. La inflamación ha desaparecido. Ya no duele. Ya solo es cuestión de recuperar los músculos del bombo, tío. No puede perder esos. Eso es importante para mi. Así que aquí estoy, dando vueltas, haciendo ejercicio mientras hablamos, así que va bien.
Según explica ahora usa una bota ortopédica que le dota de mayor movilidad aunque tiene claro que le queda aún un largo camino de recuperación.
La otra parte de la lesión son los ligamentos y el cartílago que me destrocé. Un fisioterapeuta que me ayuda con la recuperación me dijo el otro día que era como si mi tobillo hubiera estado en un accidente de coche a 60 km/h. No es que me hiciera un esguince; es como si a mi tobillo le hubiera pegado una paliza Ronda Rousey.
Como sabéis, Foo Fighters visitan España en noviembre.
When Dave Grohl looks back at the offstage fall that snapped his fibula and dislocated his ankle, at a Swedish Foo Fighters gig last month, he takes solace in one thing: It could have worse. «I could have done some real damage,» he says with a slight rasp, due to a «great show» in Toronto the night before, on an off day before the group’s co-headlining gig at the Festival d’été de Québec. «This is pretty gnarly, but it could have been a lot worse. I’m just blessed to still be talking to fuckin’ Rolling Stone.»
Health-wise, things are on the up and up. «I’m starting to do a little bit of rehab exercise and the cast is off,» he says. «The swelling’s down. The pain’s gone. It’s just a matter of getting those kick-drum muscles back, man. I can’t fuckin’ lose those. That’s important to me. So I’m sitting here, moving it around, doing my exercise as we speak. So it’s OK.»
The good news is that now that the cast has come off, he’s moved on to a removable boot that gives him a little more mobility. «The broken bone is only part of my injury,» he says. «The other part of my injury is the ligaments and the cartilage is destroyed when I dislocated it. I had a physical therapist tell me the other day that it was basically like my ankle got into a 40 mile per hour car crash. It’s not just like a sprained ankle; it’s like an ankle that got its ass kicked by Ronda Rousey. It’s just a matter of bringing it back to life, and I’ve always appreciated the challenges of life. I’m up for a challenge. I’ll fucking take it. And this is a big one, but I’m in it to win it.»
Currently, the Foo Fighters have North American dates scheduled through late October. The band will take a short break and then head to Europe in November.
10/07/2015 — 07/10/2015
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LOS ÁNGELES, 8 de julio, /PRNewswire/ – El 7 de agosto, el festival Riot Grill dará comienzo en el histórico Regent Theatre de Los Ángeles. Siendo el primer festival de estas características, Riot Grill es un festival encabezado en exclusiva por mujeres que nos traen Punk, comedia contundente y deliciosa comida para celebrar los derechos del colectivo LGBT.
La lineup del festival cuenta con artistas como Babes In Toyland, Le Butcherettes, Slutever, y The Menstruators. La ganadora de un Emmy y comediante Sara Schaefer será la encargada de presentar el festival, y la famosa chef de Bitchin ‘Kitchen Nadia G aparecerá en el festival. Es hora de ser ruidosos, comer hasta rebentar y disfrutar de mujeres que lo dan todo encima del escenario.
LOS ANGELES, July 8, 2015 /PRNewswire/ – On August 7, Riot Grill descends on the historic Regent Theatre inDowntown Los Angeles. The first festival of its kind, Riot Grill is a fully female-fronted fest that brings together punk music, hard-hitting comedy, and delectable grub in celebration of LGBT rights.
The lineup features legendary female artists such as Babes In Toyland, Le Butcherettes, Slutever, and The Menstruators. Emmy Award-winning stand-up comedian Sara Schaefer will be hosting, and Bitchin’ Kitchen’s celebrity chef Nadia G will be doing a pop-up. It’s time to get loud, stuff your face and celebrate kickass women who rock.
9/7/2015 — 7/9/2015
You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away
Far Behind
Love Boat Captain
Love/Building on Fire
Watch Outside
I Am A Patriot
The Kids Are Alright
Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
The Weight
Comfortably Numb
Rockin in the Free World
All the Way