Me meto un tiro,
El eco suena,
O quizás es el corazón,
Que todavía sueña.

Etiqueta: Jason Everman

Entrevista con Jason Everman (ex Nirvana)

Entrevista con Jason Everman (ex Nirvana)

Interview with Jason Everman (Former member of Nirvana)

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Le pregunté si alguna vez hablaba de ello. Jason negó con la cabeza. ¿Lo averiguan de todas formas? «Siempre.»

La primera vez fue en Fort Benning en 1994, en medio del infierno de la formación básica. Los reclutas en el campo de entrenamiento decían que los presos tenían más libertad de la que ellos tenían. Había chicos que falsificaron intentos de suicidio para salir de la base. Pero Everman nunca tuvo dudas. «Yo estaba al 100 por ciento», me dijo. «Si no lo estaba, no había manera de conseguir sobrepasar todo aquello.»

Si queréis leer la entrevista al completo (en inglés) donde Everman habla sobre su estancia en el ejército y sobre su corta estancia en Nirvana, pasaros por:



I asked if he ever talked about it. Jason shook his head no. Did they find out anyway? “Always.”

The first time was at Fort Benning in 1994, in the middle of the hell of basic training. The ex-cop recruits in boot camp with him said that prisoners had more freedom than they did. There were guys who faked suicide attempts to get out of basic. But Everman never had any doubts. “I was 100 percent,” he told me. “If I wasn’t, there was no way I’d get through it.”

If you want to read the full interview:

Extracto de entrevista con Jason Everman

Extracto de entrevista con Jason Everman

I didn’t know Kurt after Nevermind caught fire. Sometimes I think that with Kurt, if they still make black-light posters, they’d make a black-light poster for him. He’s at that level, like Hendrix, Morrison, Bruce Lee. And when I think about that, that representation of Kurt, it really doesn’t correlate to the guy I knew from Olympia, Washington. It’s a separate thing that I don’t really have access to.

Yo no sabía que después de Nevermind Kurt fuese una leyenda. A veces pienso que si la gente hace posters, los harán por Kurt. El está en lo más, junto a Hendrix, Morrison, Bruce Lee. Y cuando pienso sobre eso, esa representación de Kurt, no se corresponde con el tío que yo conocí en Olimpia, Washington: . Es una cosa separada a la que no tienen acceso

Curiosidad Jason Everman

Curiosidad Jason Everman

Twenty-two years ago today, Sub Pop held its historic Lamefest show, featuring Mudhoney, TAD and Nirvana, at the 1,400-capacity Moore Theater in Seattle. Nirvana’s then second guitarist, Jason Everman, made a brave sartorial choice, wearing Mickey Mouse shorts onstage. You can get a look at them in this video from that evening:


What possibly could have inspired Everman’s outfit? “I made the Mickey Mouse shorts I wore onstage,” he revealed to me. “It was kind of absurd, the red pants with the big yellow buttons. I got the idea from this Calvin and Hobbes story, which I thought was really funny. In the comic, Hobbes is telling Calvin, ‘Check out my Mickey Mouse pants.’ And Calvin is like, ‘I don’t know.’”