Mudhoney – Live on Top of the Space Needle
Mudhoney – On Top!
Nuevo libro sobre Mudhoney ya disponible en la tienda de Sub Pop
Mudhoney – The Sound and The Fury From Seattle – (book) now available in Sub Pop
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A la venta April 18, 2014
Número del Item: 5009968
- Precio $15 Add to Cart
«A pesar de que los rockeros asocian antes a Seattle con Nirvana y Pearl Jam, el tiempo ha demostrado que la banda de grunge más influyente de la ciudad puede haber sido Mudhoney. Todavía están pisando fuerte y esta es su historia. »
On sale date: April 18, 2014
Item No: 5009968
- Other $15 Add to Cart
“Though rock fans associate Seattle primarily with Nirvana and Pearl Jam, time has shown that the city’s most influential grunge band may well have been Mudhoney. They’re still going strong and this is their story.”
Steve and Mark, Mudhoney
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Lamefest, 1989 Act Three, scenes 1 and 2
Mudhoney, 06/09/89 – Moore Theatre (Lame Fest ’89), Seattle, WA.
Hace 25 años justo hoy: Lamefest de Sub Pop con la participación de Mudhoney, TAD & Nirvana
25 years ago today: Sub Pop Lamefest featuring Mudhoney, TAD & Nirvana
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