Me meto un tiro,
El eco suena,
O quizás es el corazón,
Que todavía sueña.

Etiqueta: Vídeos

Melvins acortan un concierto después de que alguien lance una botella a su frontman

Melvins acortan un concierto después de que alguien lance una botella a su frontman

Fan throws a bottle to King Buzzo, Melvins end the show

Melvins acortan un concierto después de que alguien lance una botella a su frontman

Sacado de // From: and

Uno no acaba de comprender como un cernícalo va al concierto de una banda de la que imaginamos es fan para lanzar objetos al escenario. Otra cosa sería que Enrique Iglesias hubiera venido a cantar (?¿!¡) al balcón de su casa pero si alguien paga una entrada para ver a Melvins lo menos que se espera es que se dedique a lanzarle una botella a su frontman, Buzz “King Buzzo” Osbourne.

Sin embargo, siempre hay excepciones a la teoría de la evolución: un sujeto (o insertad el calificativo que mejor os parezca) decidió que era divertido tirar al blanco con Osbourne logrando impactarle con una botella de plástico en el pecho y haciendo que segundos después, éste decidiera desenchufar la guitarra dirigiéndose al público con un soberano cabreo:

¡Que os jodan tíos, que os jodan tíos!

Después de que Dale Crover preguntara al público quien había sido y no dar con el autor, los roadies del grupo empezaron a desmontar todo y se dio por terminado el concierto.


“Hey. I went to the Melvins last night at the commodore ballroom in vancouver. Towards the end of the show someone threw a bottle that reportedly hit buzzo in the chest. The music stopped, he said fuck you guys and walked off. Dale came up and demanded to know who had thrown it. When no one owned up he said see ya and the roadies proceeded to take down gear. One roadie collected all the setlists and put them in his pocket. However, the perpetrator had been apprehended by some of the crowd members and handed over to security. He was brought outside and identified by buzzo himself who proceeded to get into a vehicle and leave, ignoring everyone but the authorities. The bottle thrower was arrested but that’s as much as I know. Much of Houdini was in the set as well as Sweet Willy Rollbar. One part of the set featured a roadie taking over drums for Dale while he gobbled down a banana taken out of his pants. He then sang lead for the song that followed. Im pretty sure the bass player was a member of the opening act Honky. Dale was accompanied by Coady Willis on drums. I like to think Honey Bucket would have been the closer.”


Director’s cut de “Heart-Shaped Box” (inédito)

Director’s cut de “Heart-Shaped Box” (inédito)

Director’s cut of Nirvana’s “Heart-Shaped Box” music video

Debido al 20º aniversario de «In Utero» poco a poco podemos ir viendo material inédito de Nirvana. Esta vez se trata del Director’s cut del videoclip de “Heart-Shaped Box”. Los cambios son escasos aunque los hay.


Here the previously unreleased director’s cut of Nirvana’s “Heart-Shaped Box” music video, directed by Anton Corbjin. The significant changes to the original video appear during the third verse, which features more footage of the young girl and woman with wings as well as Cobain lying in the poppy field.